David Hughes
Sometime around 1998 I made a decision to get back into ceramics after a ten year hiatus. I loved ceramics in college (Tyler School of Art) and took as many elective classes as my schedule would allow, but I just didn’t see it as a viable career path. In addition to ceramics, I studied photography. But after moving to New York City, and working as a photographer, I began to feel the need to knead. I began by renting shelf space at a small pottery studio in my Chelsea neighborhood. Soon after, I was a member of the faculty, and not long after, I became part owner. None of this was according to a cohesive plan, it just felt right and things just fell into place. After having a child in 2003, we moved from NYC to Katonah, NY, where I teach ceramics and make pottery full-time. While I am interested in all facets of ceramics, my work mainly consists of wheel-thrown, functional, stoneware.
Instagram: @davidhughespottery