Jennifer Cadoff
After working as a magazine editor and writer in NYC for many years, Jennifer Cadoff earned a BFA and returned to art full time. She makes drawings with ink on watercolor paper, combines drawings into collages, and crafts multimedia paperworks, which incorporate techniques of hand-made books such as folding, gluing, and sewing. Jennifer was invited to “America Through Artists’ Eyes” at the New Jersey State Museum, and “Jersey Women Artists Now: Contemporary Visions” at The George Segal Gallery at Montclair State University. Currently, Jennifer lives in Westchester County, NY. Her work was selected for an award of merit in the national PAPER show at Silvermine Galleries in New Canaan, CT, and has exhibited four times in Art of the Northeast, also at Silvermine, where she received an award of excellence in 2021. She was included in Nor’Easter at the New Britain Museum of American Art in New Britain, CT; and has also exhibited in the Photography and Graphics show at Salmagundi in NYC. During COVID, Jennifer’s work has been featured in online exhibits of the Hudson Valley Museum of Contemporary Art (HVMOCA) in Peekskill, the Hammond Museum in North Salem, the New Rochelle City Hall Rotunda Gallery, and the Katonah Museum of Art as a featured artist member.
Instagram: @jcadoff